
Full name:  Surya

Nickname:  Sister

Species: Sun Bear

Age:  30

Height: 6'4"

Sex:  Female

Sexuality:  N/A

Pronouns: She / Her

Penis / Bra size:  H cup

Eye color:  Golden yellow

Tongue color: Light pink

Voice:  Speaks through the Lord

Soft spot: God

Hometown: Rosewood

Education: College education

Current location: Arkansas

Currently living with: Sinful thoughts

Occupation:  Godly duties 

Mother: N/A

Relationship with her: N/A

Father: N/A

Relationship with him: N/A

Spouse: N/A

Favorite food: Communion wafers dipped in wine

Smokes: Never

Drinks: Not once

Extremely skilled at: N/A

Introvert or extrovert?:  Introvert

Daredevil or cautious?: Cautious

Logical or emotional?: Emotional

Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: Methodical and neat, cleanliness is close to godliness

Prefers working or relaxing?: Working within the church

Confident or unsure of herself?: Pride is a sin