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Full name:  Ty

Nickname:  The weird conspiracy guy

Species: Cropped and docked Albino Doberman 

Age:  21 ( Perpetually )

Height: 5'7"

Sex:  Male

Sexuality:  Closeted bisexual

Pronouns: He / Him

Penis / Bra size:  7" Penis

Eye color:  Golden yellow

Tongue color: Pink

Voice:  Country accent

Soft spot: Gay Agenda

Hometown: Rosewood

Education: Youtube videos and Reddit threads 

Currently living with: N/A

Occupation:  Junkyard dog ( South Quadrant )

Mother: N/A

Relationship with her: N/A

Father: N/A

Relationship with him: N/A

Spouse: Don't trust anybody to be that close to him

Favorite food: Organic, non GMO, Gluten free food

Smokes: No, it distracts you from the truth

Drinks: No, It blinds your senses to the 5G 

Extremely skilled at: Sniffing out 5G towers ...they're everywhere

Introvert or extrovert?:  Introvert

Daredevil or cautious?: Cautious

Logical or emotional?: Both

Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: Methodical and neat

Prefers working or relaxing?: Working on exposing the government and its lies

Confident or unsure of himself?: Confident that women want his semen for nefarious purposes