Benjamin prints

All prints are made with high resolution, glossy photo paper, they include a cellophane sleeve and are mailed in stiff envelopes

Current Sizes available:

Mini prints - 4" x 6"

Standard prints - 8.5" x 11"

XL Prints - 13" x 19"

Prices are in USD*

In compliance with website regulations, all previews are subject to censorship. To view my work uncensored, you can visit my Furaffinity page or access my complete archive on Patreon by becoming a Tier 3 Patron.

Delivery duration ranges from 3-5 business days for the US & 1-3 weeks for all other countries, If the item you ordered is not available at the time of purchase, you will receive an email notification regarding the anticipated restocking date. Alternatively, you may opt for a refund or approve a replacement of equal value. 

Benjamin in grass
